Molly's story.

This is the touching story of Molly’s love for her children. It was during the summer of 2012 when we first captured Molly, the mom of three kittens. As a matter of fact, it was the owners of the land where she grew up who brought her to our rehabilitation centre after her visit to the vet. We were working together in the capture.

Unfortunately, on this same day too many people had come to help us at the orphanage and; by accident, when we tried to pass her from the carrier to the cage she escaped. Until yesterday, we kept putting food out for her presuming she was hiding under a pallet, but she was not.

In the meantime, after four weeks of the kittens being at the centre, we needed to send them to different foster homes because the facility is not insulated and it is too cold for them. Her third kitten still is living in the forest. One of Molly’s kittens was adopted and another came to my house, 10 blocks away.

However, four days ago, as a miracle, we saw Molly arriving exhausted and starving to the foster home where one of her children was staying. We could not believe our eyes when we saw her. Our hearts jumped with admiration for this good mom, who even feeling weak from the spaying, of having been lost and hungry for six weeks, and being unfamiliar with the city had followed her kitten’s smell to my home.

At that point, we decided to set up the trap with the hope that she would go in, but suddenly, she disappeared. We went to bed tortured by the idea of a feral cat wondering terrorized in the middle of a busy road and; as always, tired we fell sleep. Five hours later, we woke up all worried for her crossing the roads when we realized that over the night she had gone inside the trap by herself. We thanked all the spirits we know for this wonderful gift of life and ran to call her owners.

They are now adopting her and her only left kitten. They also have adopted another family of feral cats which are now all fixed. A happy end.